Currently click & collect only from our QLD store only.
This is due to the storage instructions of keeping below 25°C.
This may change in the future.
Bayvarol is a synthetic treatment for the control of Varroa destructor mites in honeybee hives.
Bayvarol Strips are to be used at that time the mite population has not yet reached critical proportions and the bee colony hasn’t yet suffered any obvious damage.
Ideally the strips should not be used during peak honey flow periods.
However, Bayvarol can be used at any time of the year for diagnosis or in severe infestations where there is a threat to the survival of the colony.
If emergency treatment for an infestation is necessary while honey supers are present, comb honey should not be sold. For Beekeepers who collect honey for long periods of time, mite levels must be monitored and treatments may have to be administered between periods of honey collection.
The specific mite activity on Bayvarol Strips ensures that the honey bees are reliably cleared of Varroa infection with an extremely low dose: One strip contains only 3.6mg active substance.
Storage when not in use:
This product must be kept below 25°C.
Treatment period:
6-8 weeks
Relative effectiveness:
Best efficacy is expected when used in late summer after honey harvest, however can be used at any time of year.
Targets Mites on adult bees, mites entering the hive.
– CAN be used when supers are present for severe infestations where there is a threat to the survival of the colony.
– SHOULD NOT use during peak honey flow.
– Bend back the two tabs and hook the strips over the top edge of the wooden frame. Suspend strips into the spaces between the combs in the central brood rearing area.
– Apply 4 strips per brood chamber; for nuclei and young colonies and newly collected swarms use 2 strips per chamber.
– Remove strips after 6-8 weeks.
– A single treatment of the bee colonies is sufficient. Strips should not be re-used.
– Never underdose your colony/half dose with only 2x strips per brood box. This will quickly lead to resistance to the product as seen overseas. ALWAYS use 4x strips per single brood and 8x strips per double brood. 5 frame nucs use 2x strips.
– Due to the specially designed tabs, the strips are suspended in such a way that the bees can easily crawl on both sides. Bayvarol Strips are suspended into the spaces between the combs in the central brood rearing area (i.e. not in the honey supers). Developed colonies receive four strips per brood chamber.
– Do not suspend strips in honey supers.
– Suspend strips between combs in the central brood rearing area (e.g. between frames 3 and 4, and 7 and 8 in ten frame hives).
– Do not apply more frequently than every 6 – 8 weeks.
– Any honey extracted from the brood box must be tested for residues prior to sale for human consumption.
Wrap in paper and place in the bin
Active ingredient:
Flumethrin (synthetic pyrethroid)
Chemical safety:
– Schedule 5 CAUTION
– Avoid contact with skin
– Wear gauntlet length chemical resistant gloves
– Wash hands after use
If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 13 11 26.
May cause long lasting harmful effects to aquatic organisms. Avoid contamination of any water supply.
Risk to bees:
No increase in bee mortality has been noted
Resistance risk:
Yes, if used off label or sequentially with other products with the same MOA (Apistan)
Mode of Action (MOA):
Targets the nervous system causing fatal failure and muscle spasms
Rotate with products with different MOA (not Apistan)
Withholding period (WHP):
Honey: Not required when used as directed.
Contamination risks:
– Accumulates in brood combs with repeated application
– Residues in propolis
– DO NOT produce comb honey
– DO NOT make beeswax
– Any honey extracted from the brood box must be tested for residues prior to sale for human consumption
Below 25 C in a cool dry place away from food.
Wrap in paper and place in the bin.
Record keeping:
Maintain records of all treatments performed under this permit.
Details must include the date and locations where treatments occurred, the total amount of product used, and the names and addresses of the persons undertaking the use. These details must be maintained for a minimum period of two years from the date of expiry of this permit, and must be made available to the APVMA or state department staff of the relevant jurisdiction, upon request.